Tusker: Kenya’s Most Beloved Beer


In the heart of East Africa, where vibrant culture and natural beauty converge, there stands  Tusker, a beer that embodies the spirit of Kenya like no other – Tusker. Renowned for its rich history, distinctive taste, and widespread popularity, Tusker has earned its place as a beloved icon of Kenyan pride and craftsmanship.

The Legacy of Tusker

Tusker Lager, brewed by Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL), traces its origins back to 1922 when George Hurst, a co-founder of the brewery, envisioned a beer that would reflect the essence of Kenya. Named after the mighty elephants that roam the African plains, Tusker Lager quickly became synonymous with quality and authenticity.

Over the decades, Tusker has not only maintained its reputation but has also evolved to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. From the classic Tusker Lager to innovative variations, each brew continues to uphold the legacy of uncompromising quality and distinct flavor.

 Varieties of Tusker

1. Tusker Lager

The flagship beer of the Tusker family, Tusker Lager, is celebrated for its crisp and refreshing taste. Brewed using locally sourced ingredients, including pure water from the Aberdare Mountains and the finest Kenyan barley, it offers a smooth balance of malt sweetness and subtle hop bitterness. Whether enjoyed on a sunny afternoon or during lively social gatherings, Tusker Lager remains a staple choice for beer enthusiasts across Kenya.

2. Tusker Malt

For those seeking a richer and fuller-bodied experience, Tusker Malt provides a deeper malt character with a smooth finish. Crafted with a blend of malted barley, hops, and pure water, this variant appeals to connoisseurs who appreciate complexity and depth in their beer. Its distinctively smooth texture and caramel notes make Tusker Malt a favored choice among discerning drinkers.

 3. Tusker Lite

Recognizing the growing demand for lighter and lower-calorie options, Tusker Lite was introduced to the market. This refreshing lager maintains the essence of Tusker with a lighter body and reduced alcohol content, making  Tusker Lite ideal for those who enjoy a crisp and easy-drinking beer without compromising on flavor.

4. Tusker Cider

Expanding beyond traditional beer offerings, Tusker Cider brings a refreshing twist with its crisp apple flavor. Made from locally sourced apples, this cider combines natural sweetness with a hint of tartness, offering a refreshing alternative to beer. Tusker Cider has quickly gained popularity among consumers looking for a fruity and invigorating beverage.

5. Tuskler Ndimu

Adding to its lineup of innovative flavors, Tuskler Ndimu introduces a zesty twist with the infusion of lemon. This variant combines the crispness of Tusker with the tangy freshness of lemon, creating a refreshing and vibrant drinking experience. Tuskler Ndimu is perfect for those seeking a citrusy and invigorating beer option.

Tusker and FrontDoor: Bringing Kenyan Favorites to Your Doorstep

At FrontDoor, Kenya’s largest beverage delivery platform, we understand the importance of offering iconic beverages like Tusker to our customers. With a wide selection of Tusker varieties available for delivery, including the classic Tusker Lager, Tusker Malt, Tusker Lite, Tusker Cider, and Tuskler Ndimu, we make it convenient for Nairobi residents to enjoy their favorite brews from the comfort of their homes.

Whether you’re hosting a gathering with friends, celebrating a special occasion, or simply unwinding after a long day, FrontDoor ensures that you have access to the best of Kenya’s drinking culture. Our seamless ordering process and reliable delivery service mean you can focus on enjoying your Tusker beer while we take care of the rest.

Tusker and Nairobi’s Drinking Culture

In Nairobi, Tusker has become more than just a beverage; it’s a symbol of community and celebration. From bustling nightlife spots to laid-back gatherings in local pubs and homes, Nairobi’s diverse drinking culture embraces the tradition of sharing good times over a cold Tusker. Whether it’s cheering for your favorite sports team, enjoying live music, or catching up with friends, Tusker is a constant companion in Nairobi’s social scene.


As Tusker continues to innovate and expand its offerings, it remains a cornerstone of Kenyan identity and pride. Through FrontDoor’s commitment to delivering quality beverages like Tusker across Nairobi, we aim to enhance your drinking experience and celebrate the rich tapestry of Kenya’s brewing heritage. Raise a glass to Tusker, to Nairobi’s vibrant drinking culture, and to memorable moments shared with friends and family. Cheers!

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